Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine's Day

Valentine's day was nice. I didn't have to work, Dad got me some nice flowers, Missy got me some nice flowers, we had a good meal (which I cooked, but that seemed Ok this year). I want to know what Tara, Amy, & Kay got though.... are you boys doing right by your girls?


~ Amy said...

I got my hair highlighted, a pedicure, long stemmed roses and a fabulous meal at PF Changs, complete with a great wall of chocolate cake. :)

jjp said...

I paid for flowers to be delivered yesterday. There is still no sign of them. Tara got chocolate, lunch out (The previously mentioned PF Changs...), new garments, and a set of Jane Austin DVD's that should have arrived days ago, but have not.

Basically she didn't get anything yet...