Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Extended Warranties

In general, I am not a believer of purchasing extended warranties -- you hardly ever use them and then you've spent all this money for nothing. However, when we bought the Caravan, we did purchase an extended warranty for up to 100,000 miles. Well, we're almost there folks.... and that warranty has paid for itself a couple of times over. I took the car in yesterday for a power steering problem and came away with a few power steering pump, a new water pump and a new transmission selenoid package (whatever that is). This is the second power steering pump they have put on the car, makes you wonder if Dodge put the wrong pump in this model. Anyway, she's up and running and ready to go again.... just in time to make a run to Indiana hopefully before Miss Krieger makes an appearance.


jjp said...

I thouoght the gender was unknown. Is that not right?

Mom said...

Gender is unknown to Kriegers... Payne's however, are in on the plan for a little girl, although I don't think she can be counted as little for much longer.

jjp said...

Tara was just filling me in that we knew. It seems I knew this once.