Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The job search

I got a call from human resources at the hospital yesterday.... let's say they are worse than useless. The union guidelines say they are supposed to see that we are placed in a comperable position to the one we lost.... These people do not know and don't care to know what they are doing. Basically they went through the job postings from Kaleida -- which I had already done. Told me what was available -- which I already knew, and told me I could apply for any of them -- which I had already done. Thank you human resourses! Anyway, one of the jobs I applied for was a non-union job -- it would be nice to be able to tell the union to take a hike. Other than that I haven't really put much effort into finding a job. I guesss I want to exhaust my Kaleida options before venturing out into the real world.


jjp said...

Sometimes I think HR people get all their employment tips from Catbert:

Catbert Catbert is a typical cat, in the sense that he looks cute but he doesn't care if you live or die. As Human Resources Director at Dilbert's company, he teases employees before downsizing them

Mom said...

Just as I suspected!