Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Now that I have quit whining, I remembered what else I was going to talk about. What a wonderful opportunity I had to be with Andy (Drew) and Kay and Anson and Lorin. I really appreciate Andy and Kay letting me come out and pretend that they needed me to be there to "help out" . Anson was a blast and I think he started thinking of me as someone who might be OK to have around there near the end. Lorin is amazing. I can not believe how fast she is growing and how alert and engaged she is in what is going on around her. The added bonus was that I got to see John and Tara and their girls several times. It's good to be able to make frequent contact even if you really don't do anything at all. By the way, when I first got there, Lily was about 3 times the size of Lorin.... I think she's only about twice her size now. And, for those keeping score -- Lily looks alot like Kate did when she was a baby -- except she has blue eyes!

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