Sunday, October 15, 2006

We have Light!

The juice came back on at 7:45 this evening. We had 62+ hours of no electricity and no heat.... Now that may not sound all that bad to you, and maybe it isn't. But it was darned inconvienent. It's the little things that get you. Dad kept putting things in the microwave and punching the buttons. Everytime I went into the bathroom on the 1st floor, I flipped that stupid switch for the light. Everytime my eyes popped open at night I raised my head up to see what time it was... I have now gone 3 days without blow drying my hair and I am afraid some of the interesting shapes it has take may be permanent. All in all, we made out pretty good. No damage to the house that we can see. We had plenty of help on Saturday and got the lion's share of the yard cleaned up. And I broke out the cast iron turkey roaster and cooked with it a couple of times. It cooks frozen ham baked potatoes really nicely and I baked corn bread in it tonight. Thanks to the Hatzenbuhler's generator we didn't even loose anything really important in the freezers. Alas, it's back to work tomorrow.


jjp said...


At least you survived it without any real problems. Too bad the power company doesn't pay you for every hour you don't have power....

Doc Payne said...

Snow!! I'd give everything in my bank account for a little snow storm............